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Incorporating Study Abroad into Your Resume

Studying abroad is an invaluable experience that is not only meaningful for the people who have done it, but also to employers. It can showcase adaptability, confidence, and in some cases another strong language. Sounds like something you might want on your résumé, right? Here are some optimal locations to highlight your study abroad experience on your résumé.


An obvious location for a study abroad experience can be under your Education section. You can place this just below your home university and format it in the same way as your other university. In this section on your résumé, all you would likely include is the name of the university, the location of the university, the dates you were studying abroad, and the program type. For example, if it was an immersive study abroad in a foreign language, it would be important to note that and also mention which language you studied in.

International/Global Experience

If you have multiple experiences abroad or you would like to expand more on your study abroad through bullet points, an International or Global Experience section would be an excellent place to put it. The bullet points from your study abroad could include information about the extracurricular activities with which you were involved, the courses you took, and any other information you think might be of interest to a recruiter. Some other experiences you could include in this section would be missionary work in a foreign country, involvement in programs with international populations, or volunteer work abroad. A specific section dedicated to international experience, like in this example résumé, would definitely highlight your study abroad the most and would be a great idea for positions that have an international aspect.

Volunteer Experience

If your study abroad experience included a great amount of service learning or volunteer work, then putting your study abroad in a Volunteer Experience section would be appropriate. In that way, the recruiter would know that of your main takeaways from your study abroad was the various volunteering you did. Under your study abroad title, you would bullet point below the various projects you completed and any known results from them. Be sure to include a date and estimated hours, as recruiters appreciate quantified information on a résumé.

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