One of the most important lessons one can learn when it comes to succeeding in higher education is how to properly manage your time. As we all know, college can be demanding, and it can be difficult to stay on top of due-dates. When you throw in extracurricular responsibilities, such as work, on top of that, things can get hectic. If you’re looking for ways to manage your time, look no further!
1. Build a schedule that begins at the start of every week. For example, on Mondays, you can take a look at your classes and write down what assignments are due in a planner. As the week goes by, you can add and cross off items to track your progress.
2. Now that you have created your ‘to-do’ list, it could be helpful to sort them according to their priority. An action priority matrix can prove to be a useful tool to do so. The figure below shows a sample template of the matrix. The order you choose to prioritize your tasks in is completely up to you.

3. It could also be helpful to schedule in or take into account downtime. It’s important to give yourself enough rest, and allow yourself the opportunity to take some time off. You might find that you are much better equipped to handle your tasks once you revisit it with a fresh perspective!
4. Incorporate breaks wisely! Find a system that works for you. Some students are able to study for hours at a stretch and take longer breaks in between tasks. Some students find it more helpful to work for smaller stretches of time and take small breaks in between. Use your breaks to step away from the task at hand and doing something that would help you refocus.
5. It’s okay to ask for help. College is a stressful time, and you will inevitably find yourself stressed with the challenges thrown at you throughout the semester. You can always reach out to our office and make use of our services. Our team is here to help you reach your potential through the course of your time at UNO and beyond!