About Us
We empower students to explore, develop, and succeed at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and beyond. We prepare students for meaningful work by building bridges with campus, community, and employers. Our services are available for all current students (undergraduate and graduate) and UNO graduates.
Academic Advising for Exploring Students
Career Exploration
Job & Internship Search Strategies
Practice Interviewing
Cover Letter & Résumé Reviews
Professional Headshots
Prototype Program
To make an appointment or learn more about our services, visit our website at, or if you are a current student, activate your Handshake account.
How can you have a say?
Many of our student programming and events are shaped by student feedback! Make your voice heard by letting us know what you want to see in career events and career-related student programs and services.
Join the Student Career Advisory Council.
The Student Advisory Council is fairly new program that is run by and comprised of students of all different types of majors and programs at UNO. Students can join via self-nomination or by a fellow student, staff, or faculty nomination.

Fill out post-event surveys.
We know that filling out those post-event surveys are often the last thing on your mind, but they do help when we plan future events, like our All Majors Career & Internship Fair and Success Series Workshops. We want these events to be valuable to the student experience and for your careers after university, so share your thoughts through our post-event surveys!
Be in the know.
ACDC has many programs and services specifically built to provide career support to UNO students and graduates. Educate yourself or ask an ACDC staff member about our career services, so you can make sure you are getting the most out of our office.
We've gone virtual!
In light of COVID-19, our office has gone virtual, meaning all career programs and services, including events, workshops, and appointments are conducted via the phone or online.
Résumé & Cover Letter Reviews
You can get your résumé and cover letter reviewed for any reason using our online submission tool or via a career appointment on Handshake. To use our Online résumé Submission Tool, click the button below. Once you've submitted your documents, our office will review them and provide feedback via email within 5 business days.
To make an appointment on Handshake, make sure your profile is activated on Once you've done that, you'll be able to make an appointments on the "Career Center" menu.

Practice Interviews
We have an online practice interview tool you can use anytime from anywhere! Big Interview is available for all UNO students and graduates to use, and with the new A.I. feature, you can even receive immediate feedback on your practice answers. If you just want some guidance on general interview practices or want to run through some questions with a live human, make an appointment on Handshake.

This program helps connect students to Omaha-area professionals in an area of career interest, which is especially helpful for students who want to learn more about a particular career field or job position. This program also teaches you how to network with professionals, so you can curiously explore your career options.
Personal Brand Advising
Have you ever thought about how you portray yourself, especially in the virtual world? How does your social media accounts align with your professional goals? Is your LinkedIn account up to par? Does your Handshake profile look attractive to potential recruiters? These are all questions we can help you answer in a personal brand review session. Similar to our résumé reviews, you can submit your LinkedIn or Handshake profiles for review through the brand tool linked below, or you can make an appointment with a career advisor to chat about your personal brand and want you are wanting to convey.

Career Exploration
If you are unsure of your next career move or what kind of job you want to get that aligns with your major, we can help! In a Career Exploration appointment on Handshake, we can help you find out your next career move through surveys, research, and more.