Interviewing is not only important for securing a job, but it also serves as an invaluable networking opportunity where fresh and current interviewing skills are vital. Proper etiquette for interviewing in western culture can be very specific, especially for certain industries, so practicing this expected etiquette with a professional service will be helpful and can notably increase your chance for success in your next interview.
ACDC provides tools that are available to all students and alumni to help improve interviewing skills. These tools will take you through the entire interviewing process, from searching for jobs and making connections to dressing for success and follow-up communications.
BigInterview is an online system that allows you to practice interview etiquette from anywhere, so long as you have an internet connection. You can choose from a variety of interviewing formats, including industry-specific questions, general interview questions, and position-specific questions. After you’ve finished recording your responses, you can review them in your BIG Interview library, and if you submit them to be reviewed by our career services staff, you can expect to receive feedback on your answers within 3-5 business days.
Mock Interviews are available in our offices at Eppley Administration Building by appointment only. You can meet with a career services staff member to perform an interview, similar to one when applying for a position. After your interview, the career services staff member will give you some feedback on your performance and some tips to help improve your interview etiquette.
Online Interview Materials give you important information about interviewing, including questions that are illegal for interviewers to ask and most common questions asked in an interview.
Even if you are not currently applying for jobs, keeping your interviewing etiquette current and authentic is useful. These same skills can be used in networking opportunities, and you never know when a better job offer or promotion will come your way!
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